Freshly Updated, Relevant GTO Theory. With newest material updated as recental as November 2020, including never-before-published, solver-approved strategies that boggle even veteran players and Game Theory Optimal practitioners. Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. GTO is a game-theory optimal strategy where you play at a higher standard on your own and are trying to protect yourself, meaning that you’re letting the opponent make a mistake. There are usually different bluffing theories included in this system, which we will talk about later down below.
Simple Postflop GTO Solver took me to the brand new level of game. Optimal sizings, bet and defense ranges settings, OOP & IP game on postflop– this is only a small part of Simple Postflop application. The process of game analysis was never so easy and clear.
I use Simple Postflop to improve my sptrategy on postflop and preflop. The program improved my understanding of optimal and exploitative strategies in different spots.
I recommend Simple Postflop to those who want to improve their game and bring it to a higher level. Watch how I play on my streams.
Simple Postflop is too good to miss the opportunity to use it. The program is really very simple to learn and the results of working with it have repeatedly exceeded my expectations.
In my opinion Simple Postflop is currently a mandatory tool for a professional poker player.
At Simple Poker we take pride in producing professional GTO Poker Tools for professional poker players.
We are constantly working to improve our existing applications and create innovative, new programs to help your game and increase your poker skills.
Our poker solvers applicable for different poker disciplines: Cash Poker, MTT Poker, S&G Poker and Spin&Go. GTO Solvers could perform calculations for different poker environments: ICM spots, chipEV spots and taking Rake into account.
Read detailed description of our GTO Poker Solvers and choose the ones that suit you.
More about our productsAcronym | Definition |
GTO | Gran Turismo Omologato (Ferrari & Pontiac models) |
GTO | Go To |
GTO | Guanajuato (México) |
GTO | Greater Than One (various locations) |
GTO | Getting to Outcomes (various locations) |
GTO | Groothandel Truck Onderdelen (Dutch: Wholesale Truck Parts) |
GTO | Great Teacher Onizuka (Japanese series) |
GTO | Getting Too Old |
GTO | Game Theory Optimal (poker) |
GTO | Guide to Operations |
GTO | Gran Turismo Omologato |
GTO | Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit |
GTO | Gate Turn-Off thyristor |
GTO | Geostationary Transfer Orbit |
GTO | Gas to Olefins |
GTO | Golgi Tendon Organ (anatomy) |
GTO | Group Training Organisations (Australia) |
GTO | Geographic Targeting Order |
GTO | Gomer Tip Over (medical slang) |
GTO | Good Time Oldies |
GTO | General Telecommunications Organization |
GTO | German Toilet Organization (Berlin, Germany) |
GTO | Grosser Tiegel Offset (Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG) |
GTO | Get Tools Out (car slang) |
GTO | Gas, Tires & Oil |
GTO | Guaranteed Time Observer |
GTO | Gas Transmission Office |
GTO | Gorontalo, Indonesia - Tolotio (Airport Code) |
GTO | Group Technology & Operations |
GTO | Gate Turn-Off Switch |
GTO | Grand Tourisme de l'Ouest (French automobile dealer) |
GTO | Guaranteed Observing Time |
GTO | Gets Towed Often (cars) |
GTO | Guaranteed Term Option |
GTO | Global Tax Outsourcing |
GTO | Grand Touring Option (Pontiac) |
GTO | Gross Turn Over (rate) |
GTO | Global Threat Overview |
GTO | General Text Output |
GTO | Gathering of the Triumvirate of Om |