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If you think that picking the most common winning lottery numbers will provide a better advantage, then you are wasting your time and money. Let’s prove that.

First off, let me show you this message that I received from one lotto player:

Indeed, Mr. H.R’s frustration of playing the lottery for 20 years and getting a measly prize of $20 at the most reflects the widespread dissatisfaction of the majority of lotto players.

Hearing from people about their goal of providing the best future for their loved ones is so touching. At the same time, it makes me sad that a lot of people look at the lottery as the answer to materialize their noble objectives.

In this regard, I would like to share with you a little known secret that only people in-the-know do in the lottery. You will read more about it in this little special report called “Inverse Lotto Strategy.”

I invite you to check it out in the calculator section. It’s a priceless piece of information, and the reason you should read it is that you’ll keep losing money if you don’t. My best advice to you, please read it.

Now back to the issue at hand, let me shed light on the subject of hot, as well as cold numbers and how to play the lottery the right way.

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Here we go.

The Most Common Winning Lottery Numbers Don’t Work According To Math

Many lotto players mistakenly believe that when a number appears more frequently than others, it is bound to perform well in the next draws.

Well, it’s about time, you change the way you play lotto. Just because some numbers appear more frequently in lottery draws doesn’t mean they are the best numbers to play.

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Yes, “hot numbers” don’t exist. It’s just one of the myths in the world of lottery.

If you are following my study of applied mathematics in the lottery, you will understand that the lottery follows certain immutable laws. One of these mathematical laws is called the law of large numbers or LLN. The LLN explains why choosing to play the most common winning lottery numbers is such a bad idea.

What is the Law of Large Numbers?

There are many ways to explain the Law of Large Numbers. One straightforward explanation comes from, which says:

The law of large numbers has a very central role in probability and statistics. It states that if you repeat an experiment independently a large number of times and average the result, what you obtain should be close to the expected value.

Another one that is equally easier to understand comes from TechTarget, which says:

The law of large numbers is a principle of probability according to which the frequencies of events with the same likelihood of occurrence even out, given enough trials or instances. As the number of experiments increases, the actual ratio of outcomes will converge on the theoretical, or expected, ratio of outcomes.

But I like the way Wikipedia puts it out which says:

In probability theory, the law of large numbers (LLN) is a theorem that describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times. According to the law, the average of the results obtained from a large number of trials should be close to the expected value, and will tend to become closer as more trials are performed.

The Law Of Large Numbers In Layman’s Term

LLN means that when you toss a fair coin ten times, you probably will see a significant discrepancy in the probability of the head against the tail. However, if you repeat the process one thousand times, you will see that the head and the tail exhibit the same probability.

In the lottery, this means that given enough number of draws, each ball in the number field exhibits the same probability.

For example, you may notice that some numbers appear more frequently, and some numbers don’t perform equally well. However, the LLN states that as the number of draws takes place to infinity, the frequencies of all balls in the number field will tend to even out. It means that those less frequently appearing numbers in the initial draws eventually catch up as the draw continues to take place.

This theorem has been consistently happening in any random game, most notably in the lottery. Up to this time, I have not seen any proof that picking the most common winning lottery numbers will increase your chances of hitting the jackpot prize.

But let’s take a more in-depth look at how hot numbers and cold numbers work in the lotto.

Hot Numbers Versus Cold Numbers


Let me show you why I do not recommend people using either hot or cold numbers.

For discussion, I will use the EuroMillions 5/50. The image below shows the frequency of each number from April 2004 to October 2017.

Earlier I explained that the law of large numbers states that the frequency of each number will converge in the same theoretical probability as the lotto draws take place to infinity.

In other words, those numbers on the cold side will eventually catch up soon as the number of draws progresses. This event must happen to let those numbers on the cold side even out.

Hot Numbers And Their Probability

Let’s say we take the first five hot numbers from the table above. What is the probability that these numbers will occur in the next lottery draw? Let’s find out.

First, let’s group numbers into the following color sets:

Based on those sets above, the hot numbers resemble the pattern of two cyan, two magenta, and a beige.

Using combinatorial mathematics, we know that the probability of this pattern is 0.0009557477. That probability measurement is what we get when we divide 2,025 possible combinations by the EuroMillions’ total number of possible combinations.

What the probability means is that all combinations that follow a similar “two-cyan-two-magenta-and-a-beige” sequence appear only once in every 1046 draws. If you play lotto seriously, you don’t want to put your money on a disadvantageous pattern. Do you?

Conclusively, this combination does not belong to the best probability group in EuroMillions. I would not recommend EuroMillions player to use this type of number sequence because its probability belongs to one of the worst probability group.

But most people ask.

“But Edvin, all combinations exhibit the same probability. Don’t they?”

I agree. No matter what you do, the underlying probability never changes. So even a straight 1-2-3-4-5 combination is equally likely as any balanced combinations in the universe of EuroMillions combinations.

There’s only one way to win the jackpot prize and you cannot change a mathematical calculation.

But don’t forget that variance exists since “odds” and “probability” are two different terms. In statistical science, these two terms are not mathematically equivalent.

Probability is the measurement of the likelihood that an event will occur. In contrast, odds are the ratio of success to failure.

In other words, we call it probability if we talk about your chances of winning. On the other hand, we use the term odds if we talk about a mathematical advantage (“best shot” as I like to call it).

From a different perspective, the odds will tell you exactly how not to be mathematically wrong.

Naturally, you demand a better selection of numbers with a better ratio of success to failure. (please read my article on Odds, Probability and the Lottery).

Now, evidently, those most common winning lottery numbers don’t help. So perhaps it goes to say that the lottery players are better off choosing the least appearing ones. Right? Wrong.

Let’s analyze the cold numbers then.


The Probability of the Cold Numbers

Let’s say; we take the five coldest numbers. What is the probability that the numbers will occur in the next draw? Let’s find out:

Using combinatorial computation, we can see that this pattern (two-green-and-three-magenta) belongs to one of the worst probability groups in EuroMillions.

With a probability of 0.0025486605, any number combination that follows this color pattern will appear once in every 392 draws. This combination is a little bit better than the above hot numbers. Yet, this pattern is not the best to play in EuroMillions.

See, when you play the lottery based on the most common winning lottery numbers, there is no assurance that you are playing the best pattern. The same holds for the least appearing numbers. In fact, you may accidentally play numbers that follow the pattern with the worst probability.

All Lotteries Follow The Same Principle

Let’s take a look at hot and cold numbers of other lotteries. Let’s start with Irish Lottery 6/47 from September 2015 to October 2017.

Again, the probabilities for both hot and cold combinations are not among the best in the Irish lottery. The most common winning lottery numbers belong to a pattern that has 0.0040232555 probability. Any combination that follows a similar pattern will only appear once in every 249 draws. The cold numbers, on the other hand, belong to a pattern that only has 0.0150872083 probability, which only appears once in 66 draws.

The Most Common Winning Lottery Numbers Of The Australian TattsLotto 6/45

The Hot and Cold Numbers Of U.S. Powerball 5/69

The Euro Jackpot 5/50

The UK Lotto 6/59

How To Generate The Best Lotto Numbers

Going back to how we use combinatorics to calculate the probability of combinations, there’s always the freedom of how you group numbers. The underlying principle of probability still provides accuracy and precision, no matter how different the structure is.

For example, in a 6/48 lotto game, we can group numbers as follow:

Yellow = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

Cyan = {10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19}

Gray = {20, 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29}

Green = {30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39}

Magenta = {40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48}

These sets are designed originally by a Brazilian Mathematician by the name of Renato Gianella from his probability study of the Super Sena 6/48. He published his work with the title “The Geometry of Chance: Lotto Numbers Follow a Predicted Pattern.”

Gianella’s work inspired me to delve deeply into the study of lottery probability. As I progressed in my study, I discovered that Gianella’s method, while impressive, comes with a serious weakness. It doesn’t handle a balanced distribution of odd and even numbers.

For example, a balanced low-high combination such as 2-14-28-30-44-48 may be considered best, according to Gianella’s method. However, the combination will turn out to be the worst because a line composed of all even numbers rarely occur in lottery draws.

And that’s how I discovered a new combinatorial design to improve Gianella’s system.

I invented a unique design that can handle both low-high and odd-even numbers in one combinatorial equation.

Thus, I group 6/48 lotto numbers into the following sets:

LOW-ODD = {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23}

LOW-EVEN = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24}

HIGH-ODD = {25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,45,47}

HIGH-EVEN = {26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48}

Make an intelligent decision when you play the lottery

So there, the most common winning lottery numbers don’t work. Neither do the least appearing ones. Even though those cold numbers will tend to even out, it’s not a good idea to use cold numbers. Winning lotto numbers are picked at random. The lottery is more likely to spread the probability over the entire number field.

Don’t forget. You don’t win with only one number. Right? You have to match all the six numbers. Therefore, the hot and cold numbers don’t count. It’s the composition that matters.

So if picking numbers based on the most common winning lottery numbers will not help, then what will?

Definitely, math remains the only tool, especially with the use of combinatorics and probability theory. I mentioned the free guide earlier, but I also invite you to check out my article on how to win the lottery.

Specific mathematical rules govern the lottery. Therefore to create a genuinely effective strategy, you have to learn how the lottery works based on its finite structure.

I mentioned a “finite” structure, so that means even “statistical” analysis will not also work in this kind of random game. For decades, people get mistaken belief that interpretation of the historical results will provide a clue for the next lottery draw. Nothing can be further from the truth.

So in a finite structure like the lottery, logical analysis is what works best.

We can use probability theory to determine the best, the good, and the worst type of combinations in the lottery. Fortunately, you don’t need a degree in math to make it work. You can use a lottery calculator to do the heavy lifting for you.

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And to make things much easier, the Lotterycodex calculator can also generate lotto combinations for you so that everything will be delivered to you on a silver platter.

Are you looking to start playing the lottery but want to increase your chances of winning? Well, the unfortunate thing is that there is no guaranteed way to ensure you will win more, but there are some things that you could be doing to help increase your chances. It starts with playing a few different types of games, and it ends with trying your luck with different types of numbers. Before you know it, you could actually have much better chances and start to get even some of the smaller prizes more frequently.

Playing New Games

One of the best things that you can do to increase your chances of winning at the lottery is to play more types of games. Don’t just play the same old game day in and day out and hope that you’re going to hit it big. Instead, start looking at some of the other options that are out there. You want to win a good prize, right? Well, the games that you play all the time aren’t going to give you the best odds. You can definitely get better.

If you buy a ticket for an online game, like through, you will be able to check out so many more games. What is great about that is you can check out all of the different odds and the different win rates that are available from these games. Some of them, from different countries, are actually going to have better odds than you are going to find from games that you probably tend to play in your own hometown. That is reason enough to go for something new already.

Play More, Win More

Of course, just the act of playing a few extra games is going to increase your chance of winning something. So, if you’ve only ever played one game you have a very small chance of actually winning a prize. But when you play an additional game you’re actually increasing the chances that you will win something. After all, you now have two tickets that give you that same chance on each one (or similar in most cases). So, if your chances of winning on the first ticket were 1 in a million and now you have 2 tickets you have 2 1 in a million shots at winning (which is not the same as having 2 chances in a million because you are playing different games).

If you pick up those tickets and you start playing additional games and you start expanding your reach to something new you’re going to increase your chances even more. You’re going to have a chance even at winning the smallest prizes on each of those games and that is definitely going to make a difference, don’t you think? So, if you are interested in increasing your chances you could play a few more games, just make sure that you’re not getting too wrapped up in playing a lot of games, which could become a problem.

Use an Easy Pick

Some people think that choosing their own numbers is the way to go. They feel like that is going to give them the best chances of actually winning something. Unfortunately, the research seems to suggest that the best chances come if you actually just take an easy pick. Those numbers are randomly generated by a machine and in the grand scheme of things, there’s a higher chance that those numbers are going to hit then there are that the specific numbers that you picked out are going to hit.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t choose your own numbers. It also doesn’t mean that your numbers are guaranteed to never hit. The problem is that the chances are much lower that you are going to pick the exact string of specific numbers that are going to hit. That is definitely going to be even less of a chance than one in a million. So, if you want to increase your odds go ahead and choose an easy pick. You have a good chance of matching at least a couple of numbers and that could win you something, even if you don’t actually win the jackpot.

Work with a Group

Another way you can increase your odds is to buy more tickets (which we mentioned) but in order to do that without spending a fortune, you can actually join a group. When you purchase a larger number of tickets in a single game you’re going to increase your chances of winning within that game (as long as your tickets are different combinations). So, if you have 100 tickets in a game you could have 100 in a million chance of winning (if the odds are typically 1 in a million). That is definitely going to increase your odds.

Now, with these types of groups, you would have to split the winnings if you were to hit it big, which means the payout that you get would be smaller, but you’re not going to have to worry about the rest of the odds. You’ll be able to take advantage of the larger number of tickets that all of you together can purchase. Then, you will want to take advantage of buying easy picks rather than letting everyone pick out the numbers that they want. This makes it even more likely that one of your numbers is going to hit.

No matter what you do, there are ways that you can start to increase your lottery chances. There are also ways that you could be hurting your chances. So make sure that you are paying close attention to everything that’s going on and make sure that you try out these different steps. You might be surprised just how much you could improve your odds. There’s never going to be a guarantee of winning more, but you can absolutely make a big difference. So why wouldn’t you want to do whatever you could to make your odds of getting a prize (even if it’s small) a little bit larger?